Empire Zoysia
Zoysia japonica ‘SS500’
EMPIRE™ Turf grows Australia Wide and provides a lawn grass which is easy to look after. It has a relatively fine leaf which is soft to touch, excellent wear tolerance and thrives in extreme heat and humidity. EMPIRE™ is good in the shade and keeps a good winter colour and it can generally outcompete the weeds once established. EMPIRE™ ZOYSIA generally requires less watering & less mowing than any other commercially grown lawn in Australia.
Why is a Empire Zoysia™ Lawn so Good?
Good Winter Colour
EMPIRE™ ZOYSIA has good winter colour when compared to other more common turf.

EMPIRE™ Zoysia Turf grows really well across Queensland and Northern NSW and provides a lawn grass which is easy to look after. It is perfect for those individuals who don’t like the thickness of a buffalo nor the fine leaf of a couch; Zoysia sits right in the middle of these varieties in terms of its leaf width. Zoysia has good wear tolerance and thrives in hot and humid conditions. Although not as good as buffalo, Zoysia has good shade tolerance only needing a minimum of 5 hours a day to thrive.
Empire’s best and most sought after characteristic is its slow growth rate compared to couches and buffalos, which means less mowing for the owner of this grass. Once establish Zoysia strong root structure give it a strong ability to handle wear and tear and also out-competes weeds, restricting their growth. EMPIRE™ demonstrates superior dark green color, low thatch build up due to its wide bladed leaf (compared to other Zoysias) and open growth habit, natural chemical resistance to MSMA, 2,4-D, and Fusillade II, and good drought tolerance.
EMPIRE™ was discovered in Brazil, and unlike other Zoysia varieties, has proven its ability to thrive in hot, humid conditions as well as colder climates. Zoysia has performed well in sandy and clay soil types with aggressive growth from its runners and rhizomes, but can be mowed with a standard rotary mower due to its broader leaf and open growth habit. It requires less maintenance and mowing than other grasses, and is a very efficient water user.
Characteristics & Info
Winter Colour | Dormant in cold areas |
Hot Tolerance | Excellent / thrives in hot areas |
Cold Tolerance | Excellent |
Shade Tolerance | Moderate to good |
Wear Resistance | Excellent |
Salt Tolerance | Excellent / thrives near coastal areas |
Mowing Height | 25mm to 50mm |
Use | Residential and commercial |
Drought Tolerance | Excellent once established |
Pest resistance | Excellent lawn grub resistance |
Texture | Soft, finer than Buffalo |
Video Courtesy of Ozbreed Pty Ltd. Copyright Ozbreed 2011